Time Saving Tips: Parallel vs. Single Threading
Integrating my life is all about trying to accomplish multiple objectives in parallel vs. single threading. So here are three of my time saving tips.
Record yourself reciting your speech - When I have to give a speech, I write an outline. I then do one complete run through for practice and record it while I'm doing it. Then I can listen to myself in the car while I'm driving to the event. This process helps me "practice" while I'm driving.
Polish your nails in the car - (Note the car theme.) I used to go to the nail shop regularly, but now I only do it on special occasions. It's a lot of time. So I resort to short natural nails with clear polish. I remove the polish the evening before, rub a lot of hand and nail cream on my hands and nails before I go to bed. In the morning, I put a coat of polish on while I'm literally in the car (be sure to buckle up first). I turn the air on high and point the vents at the steering wheel. By the time I get to where I'm going, they are dry. I put the second coat on the next morning.
Read while doing cardio - Listening to music is definitely nice while working out. But when I do cardio, I try to read. Reading while doing cardio actually helps strengthen your core, because you need to hold your head relatively still while the rest of your body is moving. I've gotten to the point where I can read not just on the elliptical and stairmaster, but while I'm jogging or running at medium speed. This is when I read the paper and the Economist, which is my favorite magazine by the way.